Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Woman after God's own Heart

I haven't posted in a while, but I just had to post my post for our facebook Bible Study at SONlight girls.  We are studying the Proverbs 31 woman, but today, I was just touched by how much influence we have over those we are in contact with and how our heart can really make all the difference.  So I am posting it here as well, but I am leaving it as is without editing, which may be my undoing as I am not much of a writer.  I  hope it touches your heart as God touched mine, and that it makes some kind of sense to you. 
Good Afternoon!  Thank you so much for your patience.  My family made a crazy last minute decision a couple of weeks ago and we are in the “crunch” part of things.  It is exciting and nerve-racking at the same time.  I have found, probably as you (in your situation) have also, that our study has melded perfectly with the life situation we are facing right now.  I love it when God just knits all things together so we can apply what He teaches us immediately!

Acts 13:22—“And when he had removed him (Saul), he raised up David to be their king, of whom he testified and said, ‘I have found in David the son of Jesse a man after my heart, who will do all my will.’” (ESV)

This one verse just made me jump for joy because of the hope that it brings.  You see, it shows that God is in control period. He removes and raises up leaders.  He testifies for His children.  God recognized David’s heart and that it was directed towards God.  We all know David made his mistakes but his overall definer of his life is that he was a man after God’s own heart.  Oh that just makes my heart so full.  Then God goes on to say that he knows that David will do (the NET says “accomplish”) all God’s will.  The Amplified version says “carry out my program fully.   So, why is Paul saying this?  Let’s take a look at the passage in Acts that contains this verse.

If you look at the passage which contains this verse (Acts 13:16-31) you will see that it is Paul talking to the Jews in the Synagogue and Gentiles who believed in God.  What they do in this passage is outline the Story of the Israelites and Jesus from their time in Egypt until the appearance of the risen Jesus.  The verse we are looking at is showing Jesus as a descendent of David.  God used David, a man after God’s own heart, to be the lineage Jesus came from.

So what does that tell us?  Well, it tells us that no matter what the circumstance, God is in charge.  It also tells us that when we have a heart that is actively pursuing God, He is going to do great things through us and through our descendants.  It shows us that even with all of our yucky mistakes, God allows us the grace to NOT be defined by them.  We CAN be women after God’s own heart and we CAN accomplish EVERYTHING that God has planned for us. 

Sister, our Jesus is in heaven right now testifying for us to the Father.  When we accept Jesus as the definer of our life and forgiver of our sins, we are covered in his righteousness.  When we choose to purposefully pursue our relationship with Christ, there is nothing that cannot be accomplished through him! 

This is why we are told that our beauty comes from the “gentle, peaceable spirit within us,” it is a reflection of the God we love and serve.  Those we have been entrusted to care for and instruct will have glimpses of God based on what they see in us.  The fruit of our Hands is the saving knowledge of Jesus that we tell and show them.  In my case, it is for my children, for you it may be your neighbor, niece/nephew, or spouse.  This is our praise, that we reflected the light of God so that they could come into the same relationship with God.  It isn’t always easy to, but isn’t it worth it?

I am well aware this was long, and I am tempted to edit this to death, but I am going to just put this out there for you as is, or I will never get it out.  My prayer for each of us today is that we will develop a heart that is more in love with God than it was yesterday.  That each of our lives in which God can testify about us, “she is a woman after God’s own heart and She will accomplish all my will for her life. ”

I love you ladies, have a beautiful day!

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