Monday, November 28, 2011


            I love to watch my daughter dance.  Picture if you will a little 5 year old girl stretching out her arms, hands extended, fingers pointed with large movements twirling around the room. She is always dancing. Whether she has an audience or not she loves to dance and puts everything she has into her dances.   She is not concerned about making mistakes or looking silly, she just wants to express herself through her dancing. 

I love the simplicity she shows in those moments.  Her little voice saying “I can’t help it Mommy, I just have to dance.”  It just warms my heart.

  I think about how often I long for that kind of simplicity and then make a plan to achieve it that is beyond any semblance of simplicity.  To liken it to a dance, I have to watch the video/teacher, make sure that I have everything in the right place and positioned correctly.  I have to make sure that the music I am dancing to matches the dance I am doing.  I get so caught up in details that I forget to just enjoy the moment. 

Just like in dancing, there is some practice and preparation that has to be done sometimes in orderfor everything to come together.  To be honest, I don't really have much of a problem with that part of life.  I need to work on just "dancing because 'I just have to'"  So today, I am committing myself to just dance just for a little while.

1 comment:

  1. Love this, Jennifer!! I am so glad you are doing this and I know you will be such a blessing to everyone who reads it. You're making God smile. Love you!!
